PVES Jensen

In an exciting and heartwarming twist, Pauls Valley Elementary School student, Jensen Kraft, has been given a unique opportunity to represent the Oklahoma Science Museum in a special UNBOXING YouTube ad. This opportunity was set up by Jensen's aunt, Tiara Harper, and has left the young science enthusiast with unforgettable memories.

Jensen's adventure started with a surprise trip to Oklahoma City, where he, his aunt, and his grandmother boarded the train for a fun-filled day. Little did he know, the trip was more than just a visit—it was a chance to star in his very own commercial for the Oklahoma Science Museum.

For Jensen, the day was a whirlwind of excitement, and while he was initially nervous about being on camera, he quickly warmed up to the idea. "This is my first time on camera, and the Science Museum is going to make me famous!" Jensen exclaimed.

During the filming, Jensen had the chance to experience a hands-on activity of unboxing a random toy from the Science Museum's own Science Shop. As he carefully described the toy and shared the many ways to play with it, his natural enthusiasm and fun-loving personality shone through. "The funniest thing about the day was all the bloopers," Jensen added, reflecting on the moments of lightheartedness during the shoot.

Jensen says he has always been passionate about science. And his curiosity and excitement for experimenting make him a perfect fit for representing the museum. Whether it's conducting his own experiments or learning about the world around him, Jensen's love for science drives him to explore new things.

The day was full of fun, surprises, and laughter, and it was a moment that will be remembered by Jensen and his family for years to come. To see Jensen's charming performance and catch a glimpse of the excitement he felt during the filming, check out the Oklahoma Science Museum's "Unboxing" ad on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/vGFKI57qco8?si=nNTzSrGNcBG1iw0v

Congratulations to Jensen on this well-deserved opportunity, and here's to many more adventures in science and beyond!