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     Welcome to 2025! I hope this letter finds you in good health and excited for the new year to come.  As we embark on a new academic year, I want to extend a warm welcome to all our students, both returning and new, along with their families to Pauls Valley Intermediate School.  It is with great anticipation and excitement that we begin 2025 together, with a shared commitment to educational excellence and personal growth. 

     We at PVIS believe in the power of teamwork and the significance of a strong partnership between home and school.  I encourage you to actively engage in your child’s education, maintain open lines of communication with our staff, and participate in school activities and events whenever possible.  Together, we can provide the support and guidance our students need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to a successful and rewarding year ahead.

Angela Green

PVIS Principal